Delta typenum mappings for servers running the aircd (?) daemon.
Delta typenum mappings for austHex AUSTNet Development servers.
Delta typenum mappings for servers running the Bahamut daemon (DALnet).
Default mappings.
Delta typenum mappings for servers running the charybdis daemon.
Delta typenum mappings for servers running the IRCD-Hybrid daemon.
Delta typenum mappings for servers running the InspIRCd daemon.
Delta typenum mappings for the IRCnet network of servers. Unsure of what server daemon they run.
Delta typenum mappings for servers running the ircu (Undernet) daemon.
Delta typenum mappings for servers running the Nefarious or Nefarious2 daemons, based on ircu.
Delta typenum mappings for servers running the PTlink daemon.
Delta typenum mapping for servers running the ratbox daemon. It is primarily used on EFnet.
Delta typenum mappings for servers adhering to the RFC1459 draft.
Delta typenum mappings for servers adhering to the RFC2812 draft.
Delta typenum mappings for Rizon network servers. Supposedly they use a mixture of Hybrid typenums, plus a few of their own.
Delta typenum mappings for RusNet servers. Unsure of what daemon they run.
Delta typenum mappings for servers running the snircd daemon (QuakeNet), based on ircu.
Delta typenum mappings for servers running the Solanum daemon.
Delta typenum mappings for servers running the sorircd daemon (SorceryNet).
Delta typenum mapping for servers running the ultimate daemon. Based off of Bahamut.
Delta typenum mappings extending ircu typenums, for UnderNet.
Delta typenum mappings for servers running the UnrealIRCd daemon.
Reverse mappings of *numerics* to Types.
One base table that covers most cases, and then specialised arrays for different server daemons, to meld into base for a union of the two (or more). This speeds up translation greatly and allows us to have different mappings for different daemons.